Regional Cattle Auction Reports...

For Friday, March 28th & Saturday, March 29th - Updated weekly on Monday

Reported by the USDA Market News... “Click” links to view entire report

North Central

Burwell Livestock Auction Market - Burwell NE

This Week: 

Last Reported: 

Last Year: 

No sale report this week.


Ft. Pierre Livestock Auction - Ft. Pierre, SD

This Week: 8,096

Last Reported: 5,963

Last Year: 4,318 

Compared to two weeks ago: Steers from 450 lbs to 499 lbs, steers from 550 lbs to 699 lbs and 750 lbs to 899 lbs were generally 8.00 to 12.00 higher, while steers from 700 lbs to 749 lbs were mostly steady; heifers from 500 lbs to 549 lbs were 15.00 to 20.00 higher, heifers from 600 lbs to 749 lbs were 2.00 to 6.00 higher, heifers from 750 lbs to 799 lbs were 8.00 to 10.00 higher, other weight classes not well compared.


Lexington Livestock Market - Lexington NE

This Week: 1,951

Last Reported: 1,792

Last Year: 0

Compared to two weeks ago, flyweight steers and heifers sold sharply higher and steers and heifers over 550 lbs sold steady to 10.00 higher. Demand was good from the buyers in the crowd with internet activity noticed.


Torrington Livestock Commission - Torrington WY

This Week: 503

Last Reported: 1,151

Last Year: 399

Compared to last week; slaughter and feeder cows traded mostly steady with instances 3.00 higher on a thin feeding cow. A light offering today with numbers starting to get shorter every week. Sale again next Friday


South Central

Cattleman's Livestock Auction - Belen NM

This Week: 764

Last Reported: 468

Last Year: 508

Compared to last week: Steer and heifer calves sold 30.00-40.00 higher. Feeder steers and heifers sold 10.00-15.00 higher. Slaughter cows and bulls sold 5.00-7.00 higher Trade and demand good.


Santa Teresa Livestock Auction (Imported Mexican Cattle) - Santa Teresa NM

This Week: 1,343

Last Reported: 419

Last Year: 0

Compared with last week, steer calves and yearlings 3.00-5.00 higher, with instances to 10.00 higher of five weights. Spayed heifers 5.00-10.00 higher. Trade active, demand good.



Eastern MO Commission Company - Bowling Green, MO 

This Week: 1,278

Last Reported: 870

Last Year: 777

Compared to the last special two weeks ago, a much lighter test (last special over 3000) with steer calves on a light test selling with a firm to higher undertone, over 650 lbs sold steady to firm on comparable sales. Feeder heifers sold fully steady to firm. Slaughter steers and heifers traded steady with slaughter cows selling steady to 3.00 higher. 



Smith County Commission - Carthage TN

This Week: 874

Last Reported: 785

Last Year: 0

Compared to last week Feeder Steers under 500lbs mostly steady, 500lbs to 600lbs 4.00 to 8.00 higher, over 600lbs 4.00 to 6.00 lower; Feeder Heifers under 500lbs 10.00 lower over 500 lbs mostly steady; Feeder Bulls 8.00 to 12.00 higher with instances of 20.00 higher with good quality; Slaughter Cows 5.00 lower with Lean Cows being 2.00 to 3.00 higher; Slaughter Bulls steady to 3.00 higher.


Carolina Stockyards Livestock Auction – Siler City, NC

This Week: 1,048

Last Reported: 815

Last Year: 740

Slaughter cattle were steady this week compared to last week . Feeder cattle were 6.00 to 10.00 higher this week compared to last week . Demand was good ; market activity and buyer interest were active . Offerings moderate with quality average.



No Auctions Reported by USDA