Cows Cows

160 Angus Cross Cows... Central MO
60 Angus 2nd-Calf Cows... Northeast KS
9 Angus Recipient Cows w/ Wagyu Pregnancies... Southwest OK
30 Angus/Brangus & BMF Cows w/ 1+ Calves... Central TX
97 Angus & BWF 2nd-Calf Cows... OK Panhandle
15 Angus & BMF Cows... Central TX
80 Angus & BWF Cows... North TX
40 Angus & BMF Cows... Southwest MO
49 Angus 2nd-Calf Cows... Southwest OK sold
40 Angus & Black Baldy Cows... Southwest MO
41 Angus & BMF Cows... Southwest MO
7 Angus Cows w/ 3+ Calves... Central TX sold
45 Angus & Angus Cross Cows... Northeast TX sold
7 Angus Cows... W. Central TX
17 Angus Cows... Central TX sold
20 Angus & Angus Cross Cows... Northeast TX
35 Angus & Brangus Cows w/ 6+ Calves... Northern FL sold
20 Angus & BWF Cows... Southwest MO
120 Angus, Red Angus & Charolais Cows... Central TX
135 Angus & BWF Cows... E. Central OK
1,600 Angus & Angus Cross Cows... S. Central IA
14 Angus 2nd-Calf Cows... N. Central OK sold
15 Angus Cows... South TX
30 Angus, BMF & Red Angus Cows... Central TX sold
15 Angus Cows w/ 3+ Calves... W. Central OK
90 Angus & BWF Cows... E. Central OK sold
30 Angus & 'BWF' Cows... N. Central TX sold
85 Angus & BWF Cows... North TX
10 Angus Cows... Northwest AR sold
190 Angus & BWF Cows... Central MO
14 Angus Plus Cows... Central TX sold
50 Angus & BMF Cows w/ 3+ Calves... Central TX sold
65 Angus & BWF Cows w/ 24+ Calves... N. Central TX
18 Angus Cows w/ 4+ Calves... Northeast MS sold
6 Angus Plus Cows... Central TX sold
250 Angus & Crossbred Cows w/ 150+ Calves... Northeast OK
40 Angus Cows...Central AL
9 Angus Recipient Cows w/ Wagyu Pregnancies... Southwest OK
4 Angus Cows... S. Central OK
6 Gelbvieh, Angus, Hereford, Black Hereford & Red Angus Cows... W. Central IL
120 Angus, Red Angus & Charolais Cows... Central TX
10 Angus Cows... Central OK sold
50 Angus & BWF Cows... Central OK sold
10 Angus/Brangus and BMF Cows w/ 1+ Calves... Central TX sold
45 Angus & BWF Cows... Northeast MS
13 Angus Plus Cows w/ 2+ Calves... Northeast TX
48 Angus & Crossbred Cows... Northern FL
43 Angus Cross Cows w/ 9+ Calves... North FL
30 Angus, BWF & RWF Cows... Northeast MS sold
35 Purebred Angus Cows w/ 12+ Calves... North TX
400 Angus Cows... E. Central KS ~ FD
16 Angus/Brangus & BMF Cows... Central TX sold
50 Reg. Angus Cows... W. Central GA
10 Angus, Charolais Cross and Red 'RMF' Cows... Central TX sold
14 Angus/Brangus & 'BMF' Cows... Central TX sold
10 Angus & BMF Cows... Central TX sold
10 Angus 2nd-Calf Cows... Central TX sold
130 Angus & Crossbred Cows w/ 58+ Calves... Southwest AR
2 Reg. Angus Cows... East TX
3 Reg. Angus 2nd-Calf Cows... Northeast TX
25 Angus Cows... Southwest OK ~ FD sold
11 Angus Plus Cows w/ 3+ Calves... Central TX sold
60 Angus & Hereford Cross Cows w/ 10+ Calves... Northeast AL sold
5 Angus & BWF Cows... Central TX sold
4 Angus/Brangus Cows... Central TX
11 Angus Plus Cows... Northeast TX sold

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